I could give you a long drawn out message as to why I love photography, and when I got my first camera, and when I did my first shoot, yada yada yada. Well...you know I love photography so I'll skip the boring stuff and get right to it.
1. I'm a Gene Kelly, Judy Garland, and Marion Morrison (better known as John Wayne) fan.
2. I wanted to be a professional Jockey or River Dancer when I grew up. Turns out I'm way too big to have ever achieved my Jockey dreams, and as far as River Dancing goes, I became a Clogger which is the next best thing.
3. I love the country life and the hard work that comes with it.
4. I struggle talking on the phone and get really uncomfortable. I'd much rather talk face to face.
5. I loved my High School experience so much I'd go back and do it all over again.
6. I have a love for music and will listen to anything from Hank Williams all the way to Five Finger Death Punch.
7. I'm a mother and wife and am so blessed to be both.
I'm located in Southern Idaho and have a love affair with natural light. Don't worry...my husband knows. I enjoy meeting new people and making friends. Lucky for me, being a photographer allows me to do both!